Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In the beginning there was television...

...and they brought about the creation of the "fan". This blog will be a feeble attempt to follow and document my research project into fandom, in all its various manifestations and types. I will be using the format of a blog in order to better allow interaction: I wanna know what you think on the various academic and not-so-academic theories regarding why we do what we do.

More on this later.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I think this research is a superb idea. I myself am also an anthropolgy major (although my area tends to focus more on the liguistic and semiotic relations, I do my fair bit on culture). I'm very interested in following your progess.

Katie said...

actually, i myself am a linguistic and semiotic major! this course focuses more on the semiotics and meanings in pop culture than any cultural aspect. i'm really pleased to hear that other anthropologists are following this thread!